Your Web Hosting Control Panel is the most important interface used to managed many websites and apps.
The more intuitively organized and user-friendly it is, the better,
because even if we’re offering the best customer service in the world, it will not mean much if you cannot navigate through an easy-to-use Control Panel.
We kept our ears open for your feedback and also kept in tune with current UI trends to achieve a minimalist design and aesthetic color palette.
We’ve been working hard on this project throughout 2017 and will soon release its beta version.
Following is a sneak peek at what the newly revamped interface will look like:

The new dashboard will build upon Hepsia’s time-proven look and feel, but will also offer a smooth, fresh appearance.
The separate sidebar boxes will be merged into one element for a more complete perception.

A fully responsive design
Hepsia will finally be fully responsive!
We admit that the mobile version was far from perfect, which is why
we redirected our efforts toward developing a fully responsive one.
The purpose of the simplification of the desktop version’s design was
namely to ensure a smoother transition between different devices.