Thirteen privacy-focused companies, including Thexyz, Proton, and Mozilla, have signed a letter asking House and Senate leaders to bring the American Innovation and Choice Online Act to a vote as soon as possible to allow for more competition and therefore more privacy options for consumers. This is in relation to the #AntitrustSummer campaign, from Fight For The Future and DuckDuckGo, that coordinated various technology companies representing more than 100 million users in the United States alone.
The letter is available to see on the Spread Privacy Blog by DuckDuckgo and in this post, I am to simplify what this bill means for people.
What is The American Innovation and Choice Online Act?

Here is a link to read about the Bill in more detail:
Big tech are not fans of the legislation

Google, Apple, Amazon, Meta and have poured US$95 million into efforts to discredit these bills.
Source: Bloomberg
More choice and less data-driven targeting and manipulation

In 2020 an antitrust subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee released a scathing 449-page report describing dozens of instances where big tech firms misused their power, revealing corporate cultures bent on doing what they could to maintain dominance over large portions of the internet.
To qualify, platforms must also involve user-generated content

The legislation only applies if a company has a certain size or global reach: a market cap of at least $550 billion in the last 12 months or at least 1 billion global users.
How will the antitrust bill affect online services?
Big tech would no longer be able to design algorithms to favor their own products: The bill would end a platform’s dominance to “self-preference,” or favor its own products over those of competitors in rankings, search, or marketplaces.
You may finally be allowed to uninstall the default app

Google installs its default apps on Android. Fair enough, but what if you wish to use another app? Sure, you can use the other app but you can’t remove the default Google software. Even if you click uninstall, it takes you on an endless loop, of Uninstall, then Update, once you press Update, you can click Uninstall only for the Update option to reappear.
This is the same for Gmail on Android, it cannot be uninstalled, confusing many that they actually need to create a Gmail mailbox just to use their phone. Google adds its own bloatware apps to your Android mobile devices, these are added at the system level and locked by Google to prevent users from uninstalling them.

Removing dark patterns from the sign up process

Google is quite fond of Dark Patterns, you can see evidence of this when you sign up for a Google account. Many people think they need a Gmail mailbox to create a Google account. This leads to all sorts of problems when using technology as they may lose access to the Gmail account and not be able to reset a password. It often leads to Contact duplication on a mobile device as Google makes itself the default for Contact synchronization. This helpful GIF shows people all that is needed to do, to allow for creating a Google account without Gmail.

More choice and competitive pricing on flights

Search for any flight in Google and you will get a Google search box with deals Google wants you to see. These deals include a commission for Google and may not be the price. Google uses cookies to see when you’re looking for flights and will bump up your prices accordingly. Sure, you can use a VPN and make yourself appear to be in your destination city or country, and also block cookies. Does the average internet-user go to these lengths when booking a flight? With this antitrust bill, they simply won’t have to.

Favored search results appear at the top

Do a search for the term “email” on Google search and 4 out of the top 6 results point to Google. Amazon employs a similar practice with its marketplace and so does the Microsoft Store with its Marketplace.

Tech giants will no longer be allowed to block alternative services

Our blog post on Zoom alternatives has some reliable options if you are blocked from using Microsoft Teams. We also have listed several alternatives to Microsoft Office, including some free, open-source projects.

Apple would not be able to make things difficult for people and environmentally unfriendly for the planet

Apple is known for its higher-priced products. People who use Apple products are often more conditioned to purchase things that they can otherwise get for free. This is great news for iOS developers like myself who may offer an application or software for free on Android, but make it only available for purchase on iOS. There is a reason for this, to join the Google Developer Program, there is a one-time fee of $25, whereas Apple charges developers $130 per year to keep their applications listed on the iOS app marketplace. It is also much more difficult to build for Apple due to its proprietary policies. For example, when the app is ready to be uploaded, you are blocked from uploading unless you use a recently purchased Apple computer. I experienced this problem recently as the Apple computer here is over 3 years old and now past Apple’s long-term support cycle. I had to get someone else to upload it for me.

Paying a subscription to unlock features you already have

Companies also couldn’t impose “pay to play” restrictions as in the Vice documentary on farmers fighting John Deere’s repair monopoly, called “Tractor Hacking.” The AICOA bill would prevent big tech from requiring that businesses buy additional goods and services or use specific payment processors in order to access a platform.
The Inventor, Steve Mann, often referred to as the father of wearable computing created a seat that demonstrates these kinds of paywalls in a piece called “SeatSale.”

Continue the conversation on Twitter
There has been a lot of discussion on these antitrust bills over the past few days, here are some tweets and articles in the press to continue the discussion.
BMW starts selling heated seat subscriptions for $18 a month: pay to unlock features you already have!
See #scarcity #artificialscarcity #softwareistheft— Steve Mann (@Hydraulist) July 13, 2022
Google claims it does not self-preference its own products and services. All it takes is a Google search to prove otherwise. It's time for @SenSchumer to call a vote on the American Innovation and Choice Online Act. #AntitrustVoteNow
— Andy Yen (@andyyen) September 13, 2022
Thanks to the reporting of @riptari, we can now announce that Microsoft is no longer blocking Tutanota users from registering a Teams account! 😀 🙌
This story is a very good example of why we need better #antitrust legislation! #AntitrustVoteNow
— Tutanota (@TutanotaTeam) September 14, 2022
Everyone wants a vote on the #antitrust bills except Big Tech lobbyists. Paging @SenSchumer it's time for an #AntitrustVoteNow
— Fight for the Future (@fightfortheftr) September 13, 2022
We at SwissDisk are proud to join with other privacy-focused tech companies to support the American Innovation and Choice Online Act. It is time for Congress to schedule a vote for this important bill! #AntitrustVoteNow @SenSchumer
— SwissDisk (@SwissDisk) September 13, 2022
As a privacy-focused company, we support the AICOA.
What is The American Innovation and Choice Online Act?
This thread aims to provide a simple explanation 👇#AntitrustVoteNow @SenSchumer
— Thexyz (@thexyz) September 14, 2022
Congress must act now to restore competition online and allow people to freely choose the products and services they want.
It's time for a vote.
Join us in calling on Congress for an #AntitrustVoteNow.
— DuckDuckGo (@DuckDuckGo) September 12, 2022
Big Tech claims it doesn't self-preference its own products and services. But all it takes is a Google search to prove otherwise. It's time for @SenSchumer to call a vote on the American Innovation and Choice Online Act. #AntitrustVoteNow
— Proton (@ProtonPrivacy) September 14, 2022
The American Innovation and Choice Online Act will rein in #BigTech practices that hurt #SmallBusiness. Small business owners are asking Congress to act now. #AntitrustVoteNow
— NFIB (@NFIB) September 13, 2022
Tim Cook, Apple CEO, spotted in Senate subway
— John Bresnahan (@bresreports) September 14, 2022
We should leave Microsoft and switch to alternatives, preferably Linux or at least Mac.
Love the GIFs here.
All organisations in direct competition with Google, so that’s unsurprising.
There’s a culture war going on against tech mags republicans have decided any moderation is censorship they want to force all websites to be forced to show misinformation propaganda conspiracy theory’s even semi-racist content meanwhile anyone can buy anyone’s private Web browsing data, privacy on the Web is close to zero. But big telecom is exempt from this as it makes big donations to Politicians the lesson is to make big donations to both parties if you want to staff safe from regulation YouTube and Facebook TikTok are big because they provide free services to millions of users and the network effect eg if your friends are on a social network that’s the one you’ll use.
The loser is the public who will find new services may not appear due to overstrung laws, the government is not good at choosing which tech apps should be allowed or the winners in the tech space. The USA desperately needs new privacy laws like default opt-out from 3rd party tracking if I choose to use an app my data should not be sold to other Companys without my permission
Tik Tok showed there’s still room for competition in tech from anyone who provides good content with easy-to-use apps
There are many sites lying about this great anti-trust bill. Why would EFF, Demand Progress, and Public Knowledge want this bill to pass? Do you think we want internet that will not run well? Call your Senator and tell them to bring s.2992 up for a vote. Google dollars can only take your lies so far