Create an email archive audit report

An email archive audit report is a document that provides an overview of an organization's email archiving process, including information about the types of emails that are being archived, the length of time that emails are being retained, and any issues or challenges that have been identified with the email archiving system. An email archive audit report may also include recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the email archiving process.

An email archive audit report can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as demonstrating compliance with legal or regulatory requirements, identifying opportunities to improve the email archiving system, and ensuring that important emails are being retained for the appropriate amount of time. The contents of an email archive audit report will depend on the specific needs and goals of the organization.

The email archiving feature for Thexyz private email records all user interactions. To view a report of activity, Account Administrators can create an audit report. Reports can include information about the following items:

  • Collections (when an email is indexed and made searchable)
  • User management
  • Account settings
  • Creation of searches
  • Changes in scope to existing searches
  • Viewing of searches by users
  • Comments and ads placed on messages
  • Exporting emails from a search

Note: Reports are sent to the email address associated with your archiving account admin user name.

To create an archive audit report, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Archive Manager. For more information, see Log in to the Archive Manager.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the window, click Admin to access the Admin dashboard. Note: There are three dashboards for top-level administrators: Search, Admin, and Admin User. If you do not see the Admin link in the upper right, you are already on the Admin dashboard.

  3. Click the Reports tab.

  4. From the Choose report dropdown menu, select one of the following report types:

    • Activity by User - This report lists all users, their actions, the date of the actions, and the number of times that the actions were performed.

    • Activity by UI Action - This report lists all actions in alphabetical order, the users that performed the actions, the date, and the number of times that the actions were performed.

    • Activity by Date - This report lists by the date the users who performed actions, the action performed, and the number of times that the actions were performed.

    • Collection by Mailbox - A collection indexes gathered email data and make it searchable. This occurs automatically nightly. This report lists mailboxes, the number of email messages collected, the data size, and the data collected. These mailboxes are not your user mailboxes; they are collection points, and there is usually just one per account.

    • Collection by Date - A collection indexes gathered email data and make it searchable. This occurs automatically nightly. This report lists the dates of collections, the number of email messages collected, the data size, and the mailbox collection point.

  5. For the Format option, select whether you want the report in PDF or CSV format. The PDF format is ideal for read-only reports. The CSV format is ideal if you want to sort or repurpose the report data.

  6. For Date Range, specify a date range for the report. To select a specific date range, click the calendar icons.

  7. In the Sort options section, indicate how you want the data to be sorted in the Order by dropdown menu. You can sort data by user name (User), date created (Date), or by user actions (Activity).

  8. For Sort order, choose the order you want your report in ascending or descending order.

  9. Click Create Report. The report is sent to the email address associated with your account admin user name.

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