How to Change Roundcube Mailbox Quota Size

Managing your mailbox quota size in Roundcube is essential for optimizing your email storage and ensuring you stay within your hosting account limits. By default, each mailbox has a quota of 10 GB unless you set a different size limit when creating it. Adjusting these limits can help prevent exceeding your hosting account's mail storage capacity.

Steps to Change Your Roundcube Mailbox Quota Size

  1. Locate Your Mailbox:

    • Find your mailbox in the list. If you have a long list of mailboxes, use the search or filter function to locate it more quickly.
  2. Access Mailbox Limits:

    • Under the "Mailbox Limits" column next to your mailbox, click on the <...> icon.
  3. View and Modify Current Limits:

    • A table will appear showing the current limits. Below this table, you will find options to modify these limits.
  4. Set New Mailbox Quota:

    • From the "Size limit" dropdown, select the new quota size you wish to set for the mailbox.
    • Confirm the change by clicking the "Set mailbox limit" button.

By following these steps, you can easily adjust the quota size for your Roundcube mailbox, helping you manage your email storage more effectively.

Benefits of Managing Mailbox Quota

  • Prevent Overages: Ensure your mailboxes do not exceed the allocated storage limits of your hosting account.
  • Optimize Storage: Allocate storage space efficiently across different mailboxes.
  • Maintain Performance: Avoid potential performance issues by keeping mailbox sizes within reasonable limits.
  • Roundcube
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