Codeguard Access denied MySQL error 1045

How to Fix CodeGuard Access Denied MySQL Error 1045

Codeguard error

If you are encountering the "CodeGuard Access Denied - MySQL Error 1045" issue, it typically means that CodeGuard cannot connect to your database due to incorrect credentials or restricted access. To resolve this, follow these steps to safelist CodeGuard's IP addresses in your cPanel:

Step 1: Log in to Thexyz

  1. Visit Thexyz login page.
  2. Enter your account credentials and click Login.

Step 2: Access Your cPanel

  1. Click on Services from the top menu.
  2. Locate the cPanel hosting service associated with your website.
  3. Click on the Login to cPanel button.

Step 3: Safelist CodeGuard’s IPs in Remote Database Access

Remote DB

  1. In cPanel, locate the Databases section.
  2. Click on Remote MySQL.
  3. In the "Add Access Host" section, enter the following IP addresses one by one and click Add Host after each:
  4. Once all IPs have been added, confirm that they are listed under "Access Hosts".

Add Codeguard

Step 4: Verify Database Credentials in CodeGuard

  1. Log in to your CodeGuard dashboard.
  2. Navigate to your database settings.
  3. Ensure the correct MySQL hostname, database name, username, and password are entered.
  4. Save the changes and test the connection.

Step 5: Retry the Connection

  • In CodeGuard, reattempt the database connection.
  • If the issue persists, double-check the credentials and retry the process.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the CodeGuard Access Denied MySQL Error 1045 and ensure seamless backups of your website database.

  • 11 Users Found This Useful
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