Base de connaissances Accueil Base de connaissances Email Clients Mac Email Clients Toggle Sidebar Des articles How to setup Thexyz email on Outlook 2016 with IMAP for MAC This article will assist you with setting up Outlook 2016 on a MAC, using IMAP, for your Thexyz... Setup Apple Mail 10.0 or newer with IMAP Apple Mail is a user-friendly email client that is included with all Mac computers running macOS... Setup IMAP Email with Mac Mail OSX: Apple Mail (IMAP) This article will assist you with setting up Apple Mail, using... Setup Mac Mail with Microsoft Exchange This article will assist you with setting up Apple Mail on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) and macOS... Setup Outlook 2016 on Mac with Hosted Exchange This article will assist you with setting up Outlook 2016 for Mac with your Hosted Exchange... How to add Thexyz email to the Spark Mail App Spark is an email application for iOS and macOS developed by Readdle that works with any... Comment Mettre à Jour la Méthode d'Authentification par Mot de Passe dans Mac Mail Si vous souhaitez configurer Mac Mail correctement, il est essentiel de définir la bonne méthode... Setup Outlook 2011 on Mac with IMAP email This article will assist you with setting up Outlook 2011, using IMAP, for your Premium Email...