Register Your .COOL Domain
Register your .cool domain today and own the perfect space for your industry or brand. A .cool domain is a unique way to showcase your brand or service and let your customers know exactly what you offer. By registering a .cool domain, you can increase sales, leads, and revenue as more visitors will be attracted to your branded website because they understand exactly what you provide. As a domain registry, we offer a simple domain search that allows you to show your creativity and choose the coolest domain on the internet. So, start your .cool domain registration today and get ready to show the world how cool your site can be!

.cool Domain Pricing
$49.95 | $49.95 | $49.95 | 1-10 yrs | 30 days |
Find your perfect domain with the .cool TLD and add these upgrades to the cart at checkout
Add email
Setup email on your domain name.
Secure it
With free SiteLock and SSL Certificates.
Optional free add-ons included with every domain registry operations
Domain DNS Hosting
Free lifetime DNS!
Email Forwarding
Redirect to your email address!
Domain Theft Protection
Protect your Domain!