Register your .navy Domain
With a .navy domain, you can show off your Navy pride! Whether a current Navy officer, vet, or related community, you can connect. Showcase your website as a part of the military community, you're already in the Navy, now get on .NAVY with this top level domain (TLD). Not in the Navy, but love the color? Bring some color to your website with .NAVY! If you're looking for a unique domain name for your website that says something about you, look no further! The .NAVY domain is a part of a group of color domains that offers registrants a fun and memorable way to name their website. Show off your love of the color navy with .NAVY today!

.navy Domain Pricing
$49.95 | $49.95 | $49.95 | 1-10 yrs | 40 days |
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A full domain management suite included with every .navy domain registration
Domain DNS Hosting
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Email Forwarding
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