Register your .top domain name
Reach the top by putting your website on .TOP! The .TOP domain is for those who are at the top of their game. Whether you're looking for a personal website to show off your skills or a business website that allows you to offer top products and services, .TOP gets you started right. It lets visitors know that you, your business, and your website are top of the line. Everyone wants the best and many people use the word "top" to search the web, making .TOP domains a great opportunity. Register your .TOP today!

.top Domain Pricing
$14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | 1-10 yrs | 30 days |
Find your perfect domain with the .top TLD and add these upgrades to the cart at checkout
Add email
Setup email on your domain name.
Secure it
With free SiteLock and SSL Certificates.
Optional free add-ons included with every .top domain registration
Domain DNS Hosting
Free lifetime DNS!
Email Forwarding
Redirect to your email address!
Domain Theft Protection
Protect your Domain!