Register Your .immobilien Domain
As the German word for real estate or property, .immobilien is the perfect domain for anyone in the German real estate market. Whether a real estate agent, a mortgage broker, insurance agent, or a property developer, Registering a .IMMOBILIEN domain will give your website recognition and credibility with customers, who will know right away what you do just by looking at your domain. Plus, since .IMMOBILIEN is a new TLD, there will be plenty of opportunity to find the domain name you want.

.immobilien Domain Pricing
$49.95 | $49.95 | $49.95 | 1-10 yrs | 40 days |
Add upgrades to your .immobilien domain to the cart at checkout
Add email
Setup email on your domain name.
Secure it
With free SiteLock and SSL Certificates.
A full list of optional free add-ons included with every .immobilien domain registration
Domain DNS Hosting
Free lifetime DNS!
Email Forwarding
Redirect to your email address!
Domain Theft Protection
Protect your Domain!